Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Two Additions to the Family!

This last weekend was the first weekend all summer it seems like that we have not had crazy plans. I LOVED just being able to chill around the house. We got our garage all nice and picked up, and had a movie marathon on Saturday. Life is good :)
Even though we didn't have a lot of plans though, doesn't mean there weren't a few surprises for us this last weekend! So on Friday I went to pick Rob up from work like I usually do, and when I went in everyone was acting REALLY weird. Something was definitely up. He was acting all innocent and angelic (definite sign that he did something that he knows will probably get him in trouble) and told me that he had a surprise for me. He told me to be very careful and open his toolbox. There would be a box inside. Then I was supposed to very carefully open the box and there would be the surprise. Ha. Ya right. I was not about to reach my hand into something when he was acting like that. So I made him do it, I was fairly sure there was either a mouse in there, or he had finally bought the flying squirrel he had been begging for, but that's a different story. He opened the box and sure enough fur starts coming out. Instead of being a squirrel though, it was a kittie! Ok disclaimer, neither one of us are big cat fans...at all. But this isn't a cat, its a kittie, and it was SO cute! Rob said he found him totally freaking out behind the shop and saved him when he got stuck in a hole. At first I was thinking 'ya right, we don't like cats. Why would we take this home?'...and then I held it. SO CUTE! So...we now have a cat. NO...a kittie :) Everyone, meet Pixel.
Robs mom actually accidentally named him. We've been thinking about names, and when we were skyping Robs family last night we asked them for thoughts and held the kittie to the camera. They said he just looked pixelie and couldn't really tell what he looked like. Pixel stuck! He's living in the garage for now, and he'll be our mouser. DEFINITELY not an indoor kittie, but he does get to come in sometimes and play. Weston thinks Pixel is his new favorite toy because it runs away from him, and sometimes if he's really lucky and can even pick Pixel up before he gets away. Haha SO funny to watch :)

Now for the second addition to our family. My dear husband texted me a few weeks ago and said 'so...I think I just bought a truck.' haha yea. After almost sending about a thousand different messages I finally settled on "really?" That was the safest bet I figured. Robs Ranger finally died last summer when it took on an epic mud pit, and the transmission is going to need replaced. We tried to sell it, but honestly, we both love it to much to get rid of it, so it has sat in our garage unworking for the last year. Apparently a guy that Rob works with was saying that he had a truck that he was just going to scrap because he had too many trucks, so Rob said he'd take it off his hands and pay what the scrap yard would have paid. It was really a good deal, and even though this truck needs a bit of work done to it, it runs, and will be way cheaper to fix than the Ranger, and it will sell for a lot more too. They dropped the truck off Friday night and Rob is kind of beyond excited. So we have yet another beater truck. I'm excited though. I'm envisioning epic camping trips, and now we have a vehicle we can take fishing and off roading so maybe my Blazer will stay clean for more than 2 day now :) The plan for the Ranger is to slowly fix it up, and it can be Westons when he gets old enough.
Like my husbands haircut? He's loving it! I kinda miss his hair, but it's growing on me :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Tribute to the Man of My Dreams

I don't even know how to begin to explain the love that I have for my husband. Despite all of our weaknesses, all of our 'bad moments' and all of our faults, he is absolutely perfect for me.  Ever since I first met him, I knew he would be my children's father, I knew I would grow old with him, I knew he'd be there through all of my challenges and accomplishments, I knew I would love him through the eternities. Believe it or not, that really scared me. Being so vulnerable as to admit that you were completely happy, giving someone else that much power to possibly hurt you. That's where trust comes into play, and making promises and covenants that ensure that you will stay happy, stay in love, and be faithful. Rob and I had the "talk" only a week after we started dating. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would ever let something move that quickly, but it did, and I knew there was no point in slowing it down because the end story would be the same. I loved that boy, and I knew I was going to be with him forever.
Having a child changes a marriage in so many different ways. The first time you hold your child and realize "oh my gosh, we did this. Just us two, we created this perfect little miracle." With Gods help of course. It's the first time you realize that if something ever happened to your husband, it would be harder then you had originally thought, because not only would you lose your other half, your child would lose a father. You never really look at your husband the same once he first holds that child. You see all the responsibility in his eyes, the fear, the excitement, all of it, and you see him grow. Watching him play with your child everyday when he gets off work, no matter how hard the day was or how exhausted he is, your love for him deepens. The moments when the baby is crying in the middle of the night, and your thinking that if you get up you'll burst into tears too just from pure exhaustion and he leans over and says "it's ok, go back to sleep, I got this one" ...and then you end up crying anyways because you're so thankful for an understanding and patient husband.
Kids change a marriage in different ways too. Exhaustion kicks in. You realize it is literally impossible to be spontaneous when there is a child involved; things have to be packed, they have to be planned. A routine sets in, and you realize that you're not the crazy in love newly weds that you were, but it's not a bad thing. The love has matured. It's grown, it has enveloped another person into it. Yes, you realize that showing and giving your love takes maybe just a tiny bit more effort, or a bit more planning, but being able to do that blesses both of you beyond belief.
Watching my husband become a daddy is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had the privilege of witnessing. We have both changed, grown, matured a little bit from the experience, but it has bonded us in a way that I didn't know was possible. I am so thankful for my husband. For the example that he is to my child. He is so much more than I ever could have asked for, and I still can't believe that he is really mine some days. I'm thankful for the promises that we have made to each other. For all the things that he has already done for this family. He is my rock, my sanity, my escape, and my best friend. I am so thankful for the knowledge that I have that our children will get to be raised in a full family. Both mommy, and daddy, there the whole time. Never wavering, never questioning that. I am so thankful that.
I love you Robin Dickson. Thank you for being my miracle. For making my dreams come true, and for making new dreams with me. Thank you for these last 2.5 years that I have had the privilege of being a part of your life. I love you babe. It's a forever kind of thing :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend of Fun

I am so mad we didn't take more pictures to document this weekend! Grr...one day I'll stop being such a spaz.
Here's the highlights of this last weekend:
We took Weston on his first ever camping adventure! Some of Rob's college friends were all getting together to go camping, so we decided we would bring him along and see how it went. We did dutch oven cooking, had campfires, and chilled. It was AWESOME. Weston did really good too...except for the fact that he didn't sleep...like at all. We decided to just sleep in the Blazer for convenience sake, but putting an excited baby down to nap, when there are windows all around that he can climb to and look out of, it just doesn't work so well. He was so tired, but refused to go to sleep. He finally crashed at like 11 that night (way way WAY past his bedtime) and was up at 6 as soon as the sun was up. Needless to say he was sleepy, but again, refused to nap until we were packed up and on our way home. I think he loved it so much he was just refusing to miss any of it.
Saturday afternoon Rob and I went boating/fishing with another one of his friends, which was awesome. I am always up for boating, and I think everyone knows about our new love for fishing, so it was really fun. I can never say no to soaking up some sun :) After boating we stopped at Big Judds for some yummy food.
Sunday we had a whirlwind of a birthday party, and pool time. My cousins adorable baby just turned one, so we went to celebrate with them. Holy cutest decorations ever. Like seriously, She should do it as a career. SO cute. After that party we had dinner and my parents, and decided to introduce Weston to the pool. I was betting he wouldn't love it because it was so cold, but I'll let the pics speak for themselves on if he had fun or not :)
He loved it...a lot

This is pretty much my favorite picture EVER

I couldn't believe how content he was! As long as he didn't go on his back, he LOVED it

Aww...cute :)

Yep, just chillin

Keep in mind this was AFTER the birthday party, he was so tired, but was having so much fun he didn't even know what to do. When we finally decided he needed to get out he pulled quite the fit in protest. He's learning how to do that...which I'm not loving so much :/
Anyways, that was the weekend blur. Totally epic, complete with an exhausted baby. Today I decided not to leave the house, so he could nap as much as he needed to to make up for this weekend...and he's now going on 4 1/2 hours of nap time. Wow. We did SO much this weekend, but it went by fast! Only 4 more days until the next weekend :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy 9 Months Weston!

Holy Cow! 9 months already!!! And he is growing as fast as possible just to prove that point.
Here is what's new with Weston right now...

  • He has 5 teeth, but is currently cutting 3 others all at the same time and still manages to be a pretty happy kid.
  • He is in desperate need for his 3rd haircut but I'm kind of starting to love the shaggy craziness that's going on.
  • His eyes are going through an awesome changing phase. They're still mostly grey, but with a lot more green and brown specs now.
  • He is pro at climbing up against the couch, us, the tv stand, drawers,...basically anything sturdy enough he'll climb.
  • Also very good at walking around, as long as he's got his hand against something to keep his balance.
  • He's so close to really walking it's SCARY.
  • He's wearing pretty much all 12 month clothes now, we just kind of skipped the 9 month clothes somehow.
  • He can say dad, mom, uh-oh, occasionally hi, and all of his other cute fun baby babble.
  • Is pro at giving high fives.
  • He loves to wave...just not so much to people. But his toys, the tv, his Calvin and Hobbes wall, and the dogs are all very spoiled with Weston waves.
  • His favorite person is still definitely his daddy, although he is not shy at all around anyone else...which is kind of scary sometimes.
  • If there was such a thing as speed crawling tournaments, Weston would totally win. He's got places to go, and can get there FAST.
  • Is still not in anyway a cuddler, but is really good at falling right to sleep when put in his crib. He hardly ever cries falling asleep anymore.
  • Cannot get enough of his baby munchie food, and any other finger food he can get his hands on.
  • Makes very loud innappropriate "YUMM NOM-NOM" noises when he eats, thanks to his daddy.
  • LOVES playing hide and go seek with mom and dad, it's his favorite game.

And still manages to melt my heart every single day.

(all pictures were taken by my amazing mother. She gets all the credit for these!)