Thursday, March 21, 2013


I am desperate for any and all the advise I can get! So now that Weston is FINALLY 100% in his own room I have recently taken the pac'n'play down and moved the rocking chair out of our bedroom. I was BEYOND excited to have our room back again, and then I remembered what was absolutely driving me crazy about that room. You see, we have these super cute windows in one corner of our room, I love them. A lot. They were one of those things that made me fall in love with the house the first time we went through it. Well...turns out they are really had to decorate around. They are adorable, but I feel like there is just so much empty space and I have no idea what to do in front of them! They go down to low to put a bench or something in front of them...I just don't know! I've been wanting to put cute drapes up to take up wall space a little bit, but I still feel like there is just this awkward triangle of emptiness in front of the windows. So please please PLEASE, if you have any ideas, thoughts, links, suggestions, pinterest inspirations  I am all ears! Also while I'm sharing pics of the room, any suggestions on a paint color/colors? Now that it's starting to warm up (as I look out the window to snow blowing everywhere) and Weston is getting bigger I really have no excuse to keep procrastinating the whole "painting the house thing." So again, any suggestions would be very appreciated. We're pretty much stuck on black/gray comforters, but our blinds are a dark brown... so I don't even know if there is something you can do with that to make it all match or not. AND, check out the light fixture. You can kind of see it in the last pic. Rob HATES it. Like the first time we went through the house he said it was going to be the first thing to go. That being said, when anyone else goes in there the first thing they say is "that is such a cool light I love it!" So...he's tolerating it until we decide what to do. Kind of funny he bought blinds to match it right?! THOUGHTS?!?!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Oh Procrastination :P

 Wow I did so good last year, and this year...not the best start. Ooops! :) And so much has happened I don't even know where to start! Well Weston is 6 months old now and weighing in at a whopping 18 lbs. Yep, that's in the 78 percentile for his age...big boy! He's already got his two bottom teeth, and honestly we didn't even notice the first one until he bit us :P The second one came in with a bit more vengeance, but still so far he has been a super good teether :).  He LOVES bananas, but there isn't any baby food that we've found so far that he doesn't like. He is still such a good kid, and there really isn't anything we can complain about!

Here are just some pics from the last few months to get all caught up :)

These first ones are from January when we went to Island Park with the fam for the weekend
Making breakfast :)

Weston's first "snow experience"

My mother's mad camera skills :)

Church outfit

Yes, my baby can smolder :)


Look who can sit up all by himself now :)