Thursday, May 22, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Recap for the last little bit

I always forget about how I think I rock at blogging, and then I start school... and then blogging gets forgotten. This is the first semester Rob and I are both doing school together since we got married, and it is quite something! Makes for crazy busy days, and not as much play as any of us are used to. But we're surviving. I also started my new job finally! Holy blessings :) And I am LOVING it! Anyways, here are some pics and recaps of what fun things we have managed to find time for lately.

This is what happens when we try to take selfies together.....
Not too bad...

and then the faces begin :)

and continue.

His first licorice experience... yeah

Boise Zoo

Park in Boise

My OCD child has to park all of his cars in one spot before he can stop playing with them

We may have had dad's left over Oreo birthday cake for breakfast....

Hanging out at the green belt

Making a fort

discovered the capri sun at Nana's house turned his tongue blue

He'll sit like this forever...daddy does it, it must be cool!

This is what I find when I check on my "napping" kid

Our first fishing trip of the year!