Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Washington Trip Numero 2 and the OFFICIAL NURSERY THEME

Well we had our second drive to Washington last week. I have to admit, it is a long drive, but I really don’t mind it too much. We always take the Montana route, and it is so pretty that it is really not too horrible of a drive. That being said…This last drive up there was…an adventure. This is mainly due to the fact that we decided to leave around 7 o’clock at night, and we drove all the way through.  It still wasn’t bad, but when you can’t see the pretty landscaping to keep you distracted, and you’re super tired... it does become kind of a long trip. I got MAYBE two hours of sleep the entire ride, and Rob drove the whole way. We did make really good time though, so I can’t complain too much. We got to Enumclaw at 5 o’clock the next morning.

 Spending the weekends with Rob’s family is always one of the best parts of our Washington business trips.  That weekend we got to stay with Twyla and Aaron, pretty sure they’re going to heaven just for putting up with us and our mess for those 3 days. That Saturday all the boys were going over to work on Mom and Dad Dickson’s new house, and so I got to spend the day with my most amazing sister-in-law Twyla.  We decided to brave the roads and go on an adventure for the day to the Salt Water National Park. It was SO MUCH FUN. Twyla packed us a picnic lunch and we got to just kill the day out in the sun. I got my first sunburn of the year!!! Sadly I forgot to take a picture though…it was kind of a funny burn :P Anyways, Ben had the time of his life finding seashells and little crabs, and we only got in one fight with the crows, so all in all, it was amazing!

That Sunday we got to eat dinner with the whole family before we had to head back to Ellensburg for a week. I got an entire week to focus solely on homework….yay??? Ok it wasn’t too bad, and I did get caught up on a LOT of stuff, so it was really nice. Rob passed his high voltage class, which is always a good thing! He’s officially high voltage certified :P I’m so proud of him!

Once the next weekend FINALLY got here, we loaded up and headed back to Enumclaw, however my husband totally surprised me with an unplanned stop. See, he knows that I LOVE waterfalls, so we stopped at Snowqualmie Falls! I was amazed that such an amazing waterfall seemed to be just in the middle of the town, and if you didn't know it was there, you would have never guessed it! It was such a beautiful waterfall and walk! Rob even let me get a shot glass while we were there!!! Oh my goodness, it made my day!

Once we left the falls, we headed for Lanae and Matt's house, since they had the privilege of us invading their home this time… once again, there is a special place in heaven for anyone who is willing to let us crash their house! Even though the weekend was REALLY busy, we both still really enjoyed getting to hang out with the siblings and catch up with everyone.

The drive back was honestly the easiest drive we have yet to make! Rob got the idea that I should read my book out loud to him while he drove, and we read an entire book that way! It made the time FLY by, and it was nice to have him so involved in the book as well :) DEFINITELY something I’m going to remember for the next trip up!

Alright so now on to the moment of suspense that everyone I’m sure has just been dying to hear…. The official nursery theme. First let me say this (can you tell I’m milking the suspense for all it’s worth?), we both really loved ALL the ideas that we had and we got from people, and it really almost killed us (or me at least) to commit to one theme that was going to be amazing. However, after weeks of stressing and worrying and finding every possible idea under the sun…we finally decided on…(drum roll please) CALVIN AND HOBBES! Here’s why: I really did love the pirate theme, I was the one that originally came up with it, but I realized VERY quickly that I was going to have a really hard time keeping it…how’s the best way to describe this…appropriate for a small child. Not that I’m completely emo crazy and would totally jump that line, but I know I would have a hard time making sure I didn’t play too much ON that line since I caught myself looking at skull fabric for the sheets, if that makes sense. Now to answer the question you have all been asking: How on earth are we going to decorate a room in Calvin and Hobbes? Well all my few readers out there, I shall tell you. I have this amazing Sister-In-Law named Twyla. There you go, that’s the answer to all of my stress. I have hired Twyla to come down in July to spend a week with us, and she is going to paint the entire nursery in Calvin and Hobbes murals and whatnot. Can you all say holy amazingness??? Yes, yes she is. And conveniently I get to enjoy her company for an entire week :) I’m still trying to figure out what to do for bedding and whatnot, but I shall figure it out. If Twyla can make the entire room an epic Calvin and Hobbes paradise, I know I can figure out something for bedding. I can do that.

Alright here’s my last little rant and then I promise I’m done. I bought Weston clothes for the first time today! I kind of feel like I’m behind on this, and I should have started like FOREVER ago, but nonetheless, I finally bought the first two shirts to begin my “Weston’s going to be the cutest dressed baby in the entire world” collection. My dear sister Jaden accompanied me on this most amazing trek. Once you see these shirts, no one is even going to be able to deny that my collection name is true. Here they are, I know, try to contain the excitement! I will admit, I really did giggle in the store as I was buying them! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sandy Downs and Yummy Food

The weather is finally looking beautiful!!! I have had the itch to be outside like you would not believe! Rob took pity on me last week so we loaded the puppies and headed to Sandy Downs for the first time this year. This is Athena’s first time ever being there, and we were wondering how she’d handle the water (Bors absolutely HATES it and has to get thrown in if he’s going to get wet at all). Well we got there and were getting everything sat up and whatnot…and she jumps right in! I think once she got in she realized how cold it was, and didn’t love it so much, but she was so cute! She’s definitely not terrified of water like Bors, and that helped him not be such a pansy as well. The first day we went Rob and the puppies got in the water and played. We decided to go back the very next day and after much begging and pleading Rob talked me into swinging out on the rope swing. The conditions were that I would do it, but I didn’t want to get wet so he promised he’d push me out, and grab me when I came back. He wasn’t allowed to push me in, or get me wet WHATSOEVER. Well…You can see how well that worked out :P

He decided he needed to make the swing better...so he climbed the tree

...Athena tried to follow him :P

My super cute toes that Danielle and Katie painted for me :P


Supposedly as he was taking the picture he didn’t have enough time to put the camera down and grab me…so I ended up hanging over the middle of the water until I finally let go. He got in trouble…but only a little bit :P

Overall it was SO MUCH fun though! Sandy Downs in probably one of my most favorite places to go. There’s usually no one else there, and it’s just so chill!!!

Now for the food. I decided I wanted to try something different for dinner last night, so I got online and found what looked like a possibly delicious meal… meatloaf wrapped in bacon. Yummy?! Rob’s not a huge bacon fan, but I tried it anyways and he LOVED it. He ate all of his, the leftovers of mine, and still went back for more :) It is one of the easiest dinners to make and clean up afterwards that I have ever made as well, which gives it even more bonus points! Here’s the recipe…

2 beaten eggs
¼ cup ketchup
2 TBSP Worcestershire sauce
4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese
¼ cup finely chopped onion
2 TBSP parmesan cheese
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
2 lbs ground beef
12 strips bacon
Combine everything in a large bowl except the bacon. Mix together and shape into two log shapes, about 6 inches long. Lay 6 slices of bacon side by side and set one beef roll crosswise on bacon, roll up meat with bacon. Carefully move to a 9x13” baking pan lined with heavy foil. Repeat with remaining bacon and log.
Bake at 375 for 45-50 minutes. If bacon doesn’t looked browned enough for your taste after 50 minutes, turn to broil for a minute or two, or until satisfactory.  
The recipes says this is a serving size for 8… but Rob and I ate almost one whole log…so I’d say more like 6 depending on who is eating and how hungry they are :P