Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rob's BiRtHdAy!!!

Robs birthday was on Saturday! Yep, he’s officially an old man!!! 24 years old heheh can you believe that?! For his birthday he got two guns…yes, TWO. He’s only kind of spoiled :P He finally got the pistol that he’s always wanted, and he upgraded his Ruger Mini 14 for a cooler one. So I guess technically he only got one…but there were two new additions by the end of the day :P We spent the day running around buying ammo, and then we went shooting with a bunch of his college buddies. And our puppies of course. Athena is not a fan of the guns… we’re still trying to work her into it, but she did ok. After we got back from shooting we went to a buddies b-day party…yep, they share a birthday! We ended up staying there until after 1 in the morning! We’re such party animals! Ok no but really…that is REALLY late for us to be out :P Besides the guns Rob got socks, a drill, and all the Mission Impossible movies. I think he was fairly pleased overall with the outcome. :)

The next day, we took Dano shooting. She mentioned that she had never shot a gun before, and Rob was NOT about to pass that opportunity up! She shot them all, from the pistol to the new Mini 14 that is too heavy for either her or I to hold up by ourselves. She loved it! Rob was so proud he got to be a part of that experience with her!

Now for Weston: He continues to grow! I’ve been sulking the last few weeks because I STILL hadn’t felt him… and then suddenly last Monday as I was sitting on the couch doing homework…it hit me. Literally. For probably three weeks I had been feeling these tiny little…pops in my stomach, and just figured they were air bubbles and that my tummy was doing more weird random pregnancy things that I didn’t understand. But this time was different…there was NO WAY that was JUST an air bubble pop…and then he hit me again :) softer this time, but then I knew it was him. Those past few weeks I had been feeling him the whole time, and for whatever reason had be convinced it was something else! It is amazing getting to feel him move around inside me. Rob is so patient with me since every time Weston even thinks about kicking I freak out and make Rob keep his hand on my tummy for at least 10 minutes…just in case Weston wasn’t really done moving :P Now that I can feel him, it has basically overtaken my life. I’m already used to the times of the day that he’s more active and the times that he usually doesn’t move at all...and if they get switched around for any reason, I panic just a little bit worrying that something’s wrong. It all feels so much more real now that I can actually feel him, and seeing him on the ultrasound, was amazing. Seeing him move around, his little heart beating, all of it was just amazing! I am BEYOND excited! I have a feeling these last 4 months are going to go by way too slowly, but I shall try to be patient :) 

1 comment:

  1. I love feeling those first baby wiggles! We are so happy for you. Looks like Rob got spoiled:) Love it!
