Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Adventures

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the cooler weather, the colors, the pumpkins, the activities, all of it. It is quickly becoming Rob's favorite as well because that means hunting is just around the corner (only 11 days away to be exact).  The only down side to it is I know the snow is coming, which is not my favorite. This year though we have been soaking up as much as the fall weather as we can before it gets too cold to go outside, and before this baby gets here which keeps us inside for a few months.
My husband surprised me with a trip to the store this last weekend where we bought me an early birthday present, a camera! A really nice camera. I am SO excited, we have been wanting one forever and we finally caved and bought it. To celebrate we decided to go out to the mountains and take pictures, while Rob scouted out some other hunting places he could try. Overall, considering I still know nothing about this camera, I'd say it takes some pretty good pics :)

This is what we saw as soon as we got out of the car, just chillin on the mountain side

Seriously, how did I get so lucky???

He was loving throwing rocks into the puddles

Rob got this pic of a bald eagle that was scouting for food in our area

and of course we played in all the puddles! The Blazer is totally covered in mud :)
At some point during the day Rob might have accidentally locked the keys in the car where we had zero cell phone service. I told Weston that this is where we see dads boy scout skills kick in and sure enough, within 10 minutes we were back in the car. Who knew it was so easy to break into cars with just a knife, stick, antenna and .22? some point Rob may have shot the antenna with the .22 to get it unscrewed.... but that's just a side note :)

On the pregnancy side of things, I have 9 weeks left... that's it!! Time is flying, and we are still not totally settled on a name, so any suggestions would be awesome. But seriously, I'm kind of starting to panic :)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weston's Two Year Photo Shoot

We have been meaning to taking Weston's two year pictures for over a week now, so when we decided to go out in the mountains yesterday to enjoy one of the last warm weekends we're bound to have we thought it was would be a perfect time to take some pictures. It was a win/win for everyone; Rob got to be out shooting stuff, I got a gorgeous drive out in the mountains, Weston got to "scare rabbits with daddy" and we got dang cute pictures in the process :) Here are just a few...

A new face never before caught on camera :)

Pretty fall Colors

Thursday, September 11, 2014

State Fair and the Many Faces of Weston

Part of Weston's birthday present was a trip to the fair this year, as well as the demolition derby that night. He loved the fair, the animals, looking at the rides (not so much riding them) and especially the demo derby. Once we got settled at the derby we was buzzing with excitement. He sat and watched the whole thing, and we decided to leave before he was even ready to go... over three hours later. He was exhausted, but he was not about to ask us to leave. It was awesome :)
Naomi's new jacket... SO CUTE
 Rob gave him a little photo shoot before the fair... he has oh so many faces.

 Best seat in the house at the fair

We got to hang out with this little man while we were there

He liked sitting on the carousel... but didn't love it once it started moving

And then there were many tears... oops

His faces were killing me! I'm not sure how much of the derby I actually watched...

"uh-oh... it's broken" was his most repeated phrase

As he got more tired, he got more cuddly, but was not about to complain :)

 We left after 10:30 that night, and he was asleep before we got on the highway. He woke up the next morning saying "cars crash, all broken!" Overall... I would say it was a huge success :)