Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Husband Is Cooler Than Yours

To say that my husband is artistically inclined would be the understatement of the century. He puts me and my so called art skills to shame. Everytime. He came up with the crazy idea on Friday night after Weston was asleep that we should paint our guns. I was like, "...yeah...that'd be cool...?" and went on doing my own thing. He was looking up different ideas when I decided to take a bath. As I was getting dressed afterwards, I realized it smelled funny in our house. It was spray paint. QUICKLY getting dressed I ran out into the kitchen to see my husband spray painting my 10/22 rifle. In the kitchen. Apparently he was REALLY excited to get started. After scrubbing the floors from all the after spray we sat down and actually came up with a design, and then finished the painting in the garage. My husband MADE the sticker for my gun. Again, he kind of ridiculously amazing. I did contribute by coming up with the fishnet stockings to use though. So although I might not be AS amazing, I try to at least not get left behind in the dust. Here are the pics :)

It took us only about two hours start to finish. Not bad for the first go ever. The next day to say Rob was excited to start another project would yet again be quite the understatement. He took his .17 HMR apart, and got to work, I got to help a little bit more with this one. :)

This one took most of the day on Saturday because of all the layering that we did. But I think it turned out pretty cool :) Yet again this confirms, my husband is awesome! Not sure if he's going to do the shot gun next, or my SR .22 handgun, but I'm sure this will not be the last you see of the Rob epic paint jobs :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

"A Long Time Coming" post

Alright, this post has been a long time coming. I have this really bad habit where I don't ever want anyone to feel like I'm pushing things on them, so I tend to keep my opinions to myself at all costs. I hate feeling pushed, hence, I try not to push. I have started this post so many times, and always deleted it and walked away. However, I am learning that sharing what is working for me isn't pushing, it's simply sharing. Which is why this post is finally happening. I guess I feel like I'm am at the point where if I don't share, I'm being really selfish with an amazing gift that has blessed my family, and changed our lives in such a big way. So here we go.
For those of you who do not know, Rob has Addison's disease. Long story short, this basically means that his adrenal glands don't work the way they are supposed to, so he can't retain sodium. He was diagnosed at age 15, after almost dieing. Since then he has taken a hand full of pills everyday to keep his body functioning the way it is supposed to. Go figure 10 years later, he is starting to feel the side effects to all of the medications. His bones hurt, they're weaker.
Let me just say right now, I am so thankful for modern medicine. It saved his life, and keeps him alive. We still get all our shots, and we all go to our checkups. I will never bash or discredit all that modern medicine can do. End of side note.
After Weston was born I went on a huge "emergency preparedness" kick. I wanted to make sure that if we were stuck in our house for at least 3 months, we would be able to live comfortably. Shortly after I got into this, I realized that we get a 30 day supply of Rob's prescriptions. That's it. After doing research and asking around, I basically realized we were screwed. Go figure, pharmacies don't let you stock up on prescription drugs. We would have about 40 days, and then he was comatose. Awesome. But not so much.
Around the time that I realized this and was completely overwhelmed, we got invited to go to a doterra class. We knew a little bit about the oils, and had even used them occasionally, but that was about it and I wasn't all that interested. We went, and we were both awestruck the entire class. Without even talking to each other we walked up to the host after the class was over and Rob says, "So how do we sign up?" I looked at him and said, "Oh, I'm glad you're on board, because we're doing this." And thus began our essential oils journey.
Since that time, Rob has had his prescriptions cut down to a third of what he had been taking for the past 10 years. His doctors simply said, "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. It's obviously working." I don't know if these oils will ever full "cure" him, but at bare minimum they are making him healthier, and cutting back on the side effects that the large quantities of medications were having on his body. He's getting better. He can feel it. I can tell. The impossible is really happening.
These oils have been amazing for all kinds of other reasons as well. Rob is no longer lactose intolerant. I don't struggle with my stomach from my lack of gallbladder like I used to. My mom doesn't need her afternoon nap anymore. WESTON SITS ALL THE WAY THROUGH SACRAMENT. We can fix fevers, bug bites, colds, flus, allergies, and sunburns. We can actually be prepared. For me that is why I love these oils. I have a sense of security and peace knowing that we have an oil that can, at bare minimum, at least help fix any situation that might arise. Being a mom that gives me so much comfort.
I could go on and on about all that these oils have done for us, but I'll stop now. I'm not being pushy. I just want to share with everyone the amazing gift that we have found, that is really saving my husbands life. And it's making us all healthier, so really, it's saving all of our lives... at least a little bit :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Just Another Amazing Day

Almost exactly 3 years ago Rob and I took our first picture together when we took some kids in my parents ward sledding.

Awesomely enough, we got to take Weston on his first sledding adventure this last weekend. Somehow Rob managed to not be working, and had enough time to take a few hours break from school... which is a pretty big deal lately. Weston LOVED it and freaked out when we took him inside even though his face was completely frozen.
We were going to go to the park, but Poppi decided to pull the 4 wheeler out and pull the sleds behind it. Seriously so much fun! Here's some pics :)

Red nose and cheeks :)

Hubby getting some air

My all time favorite

After I finally made Weston come inside, he wouldn't walk away from the window in case he missed anything exciting ;)
Overall, I would say it was a complete success! We are already trying to figure out the next time we can go out and do it again.  I guess winter isn't all bad all the time... :)