Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Year In Review

This year has been CRAZY! There has been so much that has happened, and we have grown in so many ways. Here is an overview of our families year.
We spent a weekend in Island park with my family. This was SO much fun and it was Weston's first experience with snow, which was priceless :)

We took our trip to Montana for 3 weeks. Rob worked crazy hard, I got crazy sick, and Weston got crazy big. This is when he first learned to roll. He LOVED being able to roll all the way across the bed and back. Weston also started sitting up by himself this month.

Rob finally quit his job at Invenergy and started working at Sunnyside Automotive. We also got to have our first Easter with our Chunky Monkey, which was perfect.

April was Rob's 25th birthday, as well as our 2nd anniversary. Our anniversary somehow got stretched out into two whole weeks of spoiling each other and we loved it. And what anniversary would be complete without a living room fort?

We were all more then ready for summer and spent almost every possible moment fishing and shooting. Weston learned that he loves being outside and enjoying the outdoors. 

We continued to soak up the sun and basically lived in my parents pool. Saying that Weston loved it would be an understatement, he LIVED to be in the water.

We got the divine privilege to have some of Rob's sisters stay with us for a week. It was...AWESOME. I also finally got my associates degree!

Weston had mastered walking by August. We took our first zoo trip with Rob and enjoyed the fall rain showers.

September was Weston's first birthday! We played hard and marveled at how big he had gotten.

October was pretty chill for us. I turned... 23. We also did Halloween traditions and enjoyed the season. My daddy was also kind enough to take Rob and I flying...which is one of my most favorite things :)

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family, and Rob started a new job at NAPA Auto Parts. Although it's been CRAZY we have loved every moment of it. We have also gotten to partake in the hunting rituals with Rob, which was SO much fun, and the one weekend we didn't go with him we got to go to Island Park with my family. 

We finished the year off trying to get ready for and celebrating Christmas. Rob and I made it a close call and didn't even really start Christmas shopping until the week before. Never again.

It's been a pretty amazing year, the best by far :) Here's to hoping next year is even better!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Christmas Story

This year was so much fun with Weston! He is old enough to really get excited and have fun. Since we were staying in town for Christmas this year we decided to spend the night at my parents house and enjoy all of the holiday with them. Our Christmas started out like any other when we went to go see a movie on Christmas Eve. We went to Frozen, but I couldn't tell you a thing about it, Weston and I spent the whole time in the lobby. Super sad. Guess I'll just have to go see it again because everyone else said it was awesome. Then we went to Rob's Aunt Katies house to visit with their family and his grandma. Finally ended up back at my parents house for Sloppy Joes (another tradition) and opening Christmas Eve presents. The rest of the experience can pretty much be summed up in the following pictures.
The Chunk hadn't taken a nap at all that day, so picture were just not happening :/ 

Once again, excuse my child.

Waking up Christmas morning. Weston slept in the room next to us, in hopes of him sleeping better.

First glimpse of the presents

He kind of LOVED it

My poppi got fuzzy pink socks :P

Poppi and Hubby making dinner :)

 It was so much fun to be with family, enjoy Weston's excitement, and remember the true meaning of Christmas. I hope that you all had an amazing day as well!

My favorite :)