Friday, October 23, 2015

Hunting Season

For anyone that knows our family, knows that hunting season is absolutely insane. This year has been the craziest yet, as Rob decided to go Elk hunting (which is earlier in the season-early september), archery hunting (end of september), regular hunting (most of October), and drew for a late hunt (Most of November). Plus this is my first year hunting, so basically our kids have been orphans for the last little bit :) It's just a really good thing we live so close to family, they were awesome and the boys love spending so much time with them.

So Rob's hunting season started with his elk. This is the first elk he's ever gotten, and it was crazy! He got a huge elk, and we butchered it ourselves. When I say ourselves I mean we had Rob's brother Nate, our adopted brother Mike, and my brother and sis-in-law Brady and Seianna helping us. With all of that help the whole thing took about 9 hours. It is such an insane process, but we got almost 150 lbs off that elk, so it was such a blessing!

Next up was Archery hunting. This one was a no-go. Rob went out a bunch, but just couldn't get a good shot. This was his first year doing archery though, so he wasn't too bummed, and archery opens back up again in November, so he's still got time :)

Next was open season for both of us. The first day we dropped the boys off at my parents and we headed out. It was GORGEOUS. We hiked a bit, and came across two baby deer playing. We found a quiet spot we thought would be good to sit and wait, and just relaxed. Seriously it was amazing. Leaves were falling all around us, the colors were amazing, and it was so peaceful. We didn't see any other deer that day, but did pass by 3 separate moose as we headed out.

The next weekend we took the boys and went out hoping to find something. Again, we didn't see a single deer that day. But we were in the car for almost 4 straight hours, and the boys were so good! They had so much fun, and it definitely made memories.

 Rob and I went out a bunch of times, and just really weren't having any luck. Finally one day I told my mom to pray, and off we headed. The Blazer was being weird, so we had to stop and work on it a bit, and by the time we got out to where we were wanting to hunt, we had like 10 minutes before the sun went down. We both sped walked (which basically means I was running behind him the whole time) until we came to the field that we wanted to try. We sat down and within 5 minutes the deer came out! Both Rob and I got our deer that night. Moral of this story: Tell your mom to pray the FIRST day you go out, not the 8th. :)

With these deer we cut them all up, but we took them in to get breakfast sausages, jerky, and summer sausages made with. So excited!!!

Rob and I can both get 1 more deer this season, but we'll see what happens. Rob is headed out tomorrow to try for his, and if time permits I may go out next week to try and get mine, but we have already been so blessed this year that the pressure is off :)

So this is my excuse for being MIA lately. Mostly life is just crazy though and I've been lazy :)

And here is a picture of Colton, just because he's can't be left out :)

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