Friday, June 19, 2015


Oh the procrastination. Go figure working, doing school, and being a mom to TWO boys is keeping me a bit busy. :)
So for Memorial Day we decided to go camping with the family. It was really both of our boys first time going camping so we weren't sure what to expect.. but it went amazing! Everyone had so much fun and ever since Weston has asked almost every day if we can go camping again.

Grandpa set up the hammock, and both the boys LOVED it

A frog that Rob caught for Weston

Seriously Rob caught like 20 of these little guys. Didn't keep any, but he had a blast catching and releasing

It rained a lot of the time, but it was actually like nice, and Westu loved playing in the puddles

Rob and I saw a moose everyday we were there. This one walked right paste us as we were fishing

This is Westu's morning face :)

Colton absolutely loved it. But I'm pretty sure it was because he was never sat down. :)

I fell in the river. Definitely don't need to talk about, but I was stupid and fell in... and ruined my hubby's nice new hiking boots... yeah...

Our Tent :)

This moose basically wandered into our camp the last morning we were there.

Once we all got home and got clean, we were all pretty tired. Colton actually fell asleep like that.

And the rest of the boys quickly followed suit :)

And then just a quick catch up on some other cute pictures that need to be on the blog.

Colton was very helpful as we got ready for camping :)

naptime at church

This chunk loves sitting up by himself

Getting ready for the almost daily walk and bike ride

Weston playing in Neena and Gopga's pool as they are filling it up

This chubba bubba still doesn't sleep through the night... it's a good thing he's cute!

Weston did the Fun Run this year. The age group for him was 0-4 and he got 4th place! We were pretty impressed :)

These two make getting ready a very slow, and fun process everyday.

Sighting in my new hunting rifle... first shot :)

Colton lasted all of 7 minutes before he was passed out, but he loved it :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Colton falls asleep just about anywhere!
