Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More Pics to Share

So there are the rest of the pictures taken from the adventures that were had while Weston's amazing aunties were in town. Super cute. Also, we gave Weston spaghetti for the first time a few weeks ago..let's just say he liked it...a lot :) Enjoy!
Yeah...told ya he had fun

This is Twyla's and my "Nailed it" pinterest project. Now sure why it didn't work...but it definitely didn't. haha

Rosies birthday!

Started raining so Auntie Twyla had to pull the jackets out for the boys

Seeking shelter from the rain

All the cousins at Rosies party. She's pretty loved :)

Twyla sniping targets :)

now with my .22 :)

Stacy's turn

These two together is always a dangerous combo...dangerously fun of course :)

my sexy man

their "serious" faces

with the AR

And Stacy!


  1. You have quite the armory! Looks like TONS of fun!

  2. And the sad thing...they only took about half of them up with them. We have way to many.

  3. It looks like SO much fun! I miss you! Love you!
