Where to start?!?!?!
Well first off, if you thought I complained about Rob’s work hours in January, they were NOTHING compared to some of the hours he worked in February. In a two week period he worked over 160 hours. That’s 30 MORE hours than the craziness of January. You’d think at some point I’d get used to the whole thing, but thus far, it has not happened yet. I miss him like crazy and it’s really hard when our relationship for two weeks consists of not much more than getting into bed together at night, and getting out of bed the next morning. But luckily things seem to have mellowed down a little bit, so I will count my blessings : )
More good news on his job, they finally got a new guy hired up there working with them and they have two guys from a different site over here helping them keep up on all their stuff until they get one other guy hired. The new guys name is Nate, and he seems really cool, Rob really likes him, which makes his job a lot more fun. For the time being, Nate is living with us in our spare bedroom on an air mattress until he gets an apartment in the middle of April. It’s definitely been a change having someone else live with us, but Nate is really cool, and a very easy roommate to have. His family is still in Washington and will be up there until they get this apartment, so I’m sure it has been quite an adjustment for him too.
Now for more surprising news…we put an offer in on a house! The house is on the other side of town, has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and sits on over an acre of land. We are REALLY praying that this comes through for SO many reasons. We love the house that we are in right now, and it has SO MANY memories literally built into it, but it is a really small house. With a baby on the way it will be completely full, and with this new house Bors will have a huge fenced in back yard to play in so we won’t have to keep him on a chain, baby will get a nice nursery, we will have a garage, room to put all our extra stuff, and it will cut Rob’s commute gas down by over half! Nice extra bonus to the new house… Nate will get his very own bathroom and the three of us won’t be trying to work around each other’s bathroom schedules. I’ve been working my butt off trying to get everything ready for the closing, and I’ve tried really hard to do as much of it by myself as I can because of Rob’s crazy work schedule, but it seems to love to throw curve balls at me. The most current surprise we’ve just found out is supposedly we have to buy flood insurance. Bleh. That will be later today’s project to figure out. BUT…if all goes well and everything works out the way it’s looking like it should, we could close in just a matter of a few weeks. The closing date is set at March 28…but we’re thinking it will be sooner. I guess I should think about starting to pack pretty soon. :/
![](http://m.century21.com/1i18/q7msdhtm8xh548pmqmwfme14a7i18) |
Hopefully our house in less than a month! |
The SAD SAD news…. The colts decided to drop Peyton Manning. I know this is silly of me to be so upset over, but I really am devastated. The colts were the first time that I really loved, and a big part of that was because of what an amazing quarterback Peyton was. I watched the press conference on the whole thing…and cried the entire time through. I’m pretty sure baby was mourning with me, because there was A LOT of emotion involved. It was one of the rare days that I was grateful Rob was at work and didn’t have to see me such a mess about something I’m sure he thinks is ridiculous.
Baby, baby, baby
I’ve decided that being pregnant is QUITE the adventure. I think I am finally starting to get over the morning sickness which I am SO grateful for and yesterday I even smelled the restaurants around town cooking breakfast and it smelled GOOD! SO glad to have somewhat of an appetite back, I have really missed ENJOYING food. We got to hear baby’s heartbeat last Friday again, and it is still definitely going strong and sounding good! The wives tale is if the heart beat is over 140, it’s going to be a girl. The doctor said it was in the 150’s…good thing we started preparing for a girl as soon as we found out! Anyways, I decided to write down some other likes and dislikes to this crazy adventure so that I can remember them for next time and for the future.
- Using the term “baby said so” for almost everything. I admit, I have definitely been milking this. If Rob starts tickling me my comment is “baby said don’t do that, it doesn’t like it.” Or getting Danielle and Jaden to do favors for me that otherwise they would NEVER consider doing. Haha I think everyone has pretty much caught on and is starting to just ignore me…but it worked for a few weeks : )
- The dreams. I know that’s kind of weird, but I love analyzing dreams and trying to remember what I dreamed about the last night. Now it seems like every morning I can wake up and remember at least 2 dreams I had that night. There are definitely some weird dreams, and the occasional ones that I wish I didn’t remember, but for the most part it’s been really fun.
- My cute new clothes. This is a con for me too. It SUCKS not comfortably fitting into my jeans anymore, and looking goofy in all my regular shirts. But my mom finally took pity on me, and helped me go clothes shopping. It was fun, and not nearly as dreadful as I was expecting it to be.
- Robs patience with me. This has been a crazy adventure for me, I can’t even imagine what he’s going through. When I have days where I’m just feeling sick and emotional and tired and cranky…he’s the one that has to put up with me. He’s been SO patient, he definitely deserves a vacation or something after all this is over.
- Watching Robs love for this baby grow faster than my tummy is. He is ridiculously adorable when it comes to this kid. He definitely has his moments of anticipation and maybe even fear, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to have me and my mom buy ALL the baby furniture and whatnot, because he gets overwhelmed pretty quick thinking about how much stuff we’re going to have to buy, but when it comes to the baby itself, it already has it’s dad wrapped around it’s finger. He’ll come cuddle me on the couch and say “Hi, I love you” I’ll respond with “I love you too” and he’ll go “ooh…I love you too. Sorry, I was talking to baby, can you wait a sec?” Haha, it was pretty much the cutest thing EVER, even if I was slightly jealous for like half a second. :P
- The randomly mad stomach. For the most part the morning sickness is over, but it still definitely finds a way to squirm it’s way in on occasion. Meat is still not my best friend, and I have to be really careful when I eat it to stop when my tummy says so. And I’m REALLY disappointed that I haven’t had any crazy cravings yet :/ For whatever reason I was really excited for that :P
- Not fitting into my jeans. I can still wear them, I just have to tie a rubber band around the button and wrap it through the button hole so I have some room to move. But overall it’s still not very comfortable and baby gets irritated because of how squished it gets, resulting in more mad stomach.
- Getting slowly bigger. You’d think I would have already accepted this fact, but when we found out I was pregnant my mind instantly went to like… a 7 month pregnant lady who REALLY looks pregnant. This very slow process has been harder because of that I think. I’m ready to really LOOK pregnant, not just bloated and…awkwardly a bit larger than I was before.
- The emotions. I think they’re starting to calm down a bit, and they weren’t as bad as I was expecting them to be, but they were still definitely there. The first time I got the pleasure of experiencing this was watching Just Go With It. Don’t know how many of you have seen it, but it’s an Adam Sandler comedy/chick flick. We saw it in theaters forever ago, and it was a cute movie (not one for younger kids though…definitely a married person movie) so we bought it when it came out…well I bawled through the entire ending…and it doesn’t even end sad! Rob didn’t really know what to do with me. Haha he was very patient though. The other big example was how upset I was over Peyton leaving the Colts. Once again, I know it’s stupid, but it still brings tears to my eyes :’(
Well, I think that about sums up all the craziness going on over here. We find out if baby really is a girl in 5 weeks and 3 days! So we need everyone praying that baby will behave so we can find out on the first attempt!!!
Oh! One more fun bonus for this week, we just got news that we have another nephew!!! Congrats Twyla and Aaron, we can't wait to meet little Caleb!!!