Well I’m not doing so great at this blog thing, I’m really going to have to work on that! January was a CRAZY month for MANY different reasons, here’s a summary of what all was going on:
Rob’s truck broke down back in November probably, and it has sat in our backyard for over 2 months waiting for us to fix it. This truck has a lot of character, one of those being that the fuel pump wasn’t wired directly to the ignition, so you had to turn the fuel pump on, and then start the truck. Well once you are done driving the truck you have to make sure to turn the fuel pump switch off…or else the fuel pump keeps running. Well... it turns out that if I forget to turn the pump off two nights in a row, not only does it drain the battery, but it pretty much kills the fuel pump completely. Ooops : ) (my husband is so patient with my spaztasticness) Anyways, so we knew what the problem was, and we knew we could fix it, but time kept passing, and it wasn’t really happening, so we finally just decided to take it into the shop to get it fix AND rewired directly to the ignition so that I couldn’t ruin it again :P FINALLY rob has his truck back! YAY
Next, Robs work is CRAZY right now. They only have 2 techs up there running all of their turbines, so that alone has been insane…let along when one of the ground wires decides to short out. I don’t really know all the specifics, but basically what it came down to was that someone had to be up there 24/7 so that they could communicate with the main office in Chicago until the problem was found and fixed. So for over a week Rob’s schedule was beyond hectic. He would be at work by 7…and wasn’t allowed to leave until someone showed up to take over the night shift, usually around 1 in the morning. To add to all that funness, his truck was still in the shop so I was taking him to, and picking him up from work the whole time. SO MUCH FUN…yeah not so much. In two weeks he worked over 130 hours! That’s a LOT of work time. The paycheck that month was RIDICULOUS, which was really nice, but I would have rather had a husband that wasn’t exhausted for those 2+weeks trying to recover :/
Although Rob is a CRAZY hard worker and beyond exhausted by the time he gets home, he always finds at least 20 minutes to play with Bors as soon as he comes home before he even comes in the house. Bors absolutely loves it, and thrives off of it! He is HUGE now, and you’d think at some point he’d grow out of the hyper, puppy, jump on everyone I see stage…but so far that hasn’t happened. Rob’s really good with him though, and enjoys the time he gets with his puppy.
he got kinda muddy :) |
Such a cute puppy! |
They cuddle for a bit when they're done wrestling |
SUPERBOWL! Ok, so technically Superbowl was at the beginning of February, but I decided to count it anyways. My two favorite teams in the ENTIRE WORLD are Indianapolis Colts, and New York Giants. This year the Colts…well…let’s just not talk them, they’ll be better next year with Peyton comes back. BUT the giants on the other hand did AMAZING. They got the wild card to be in the play offs, and smoked everyone! So Superbowl was my Giants against the New England Patriots…one of my not so favorite teams. This is the exact same game as in 2008 I believe, and I was praying the outcome would be the same too. Everyone was planning on New England smoking New York, but I stayed diligent to my team…and they won! Barely, but they did win. I’ll be honest though, it was a boring Superbowl game, and I wasn’t even that impressed with most the commercials. The M&M commercial was hilarious, as was Doritos and Chevy, but other than that…Not any worth mentioning. The day itself was so much fun though. We went to my parents house to watch on the projector and there were around 15 people there including Marie, Ben, and Rosie and we loved it! We were so glad they got to come and partake in the festivities with us…even if Ben was rooting for the wrong team :P
Alright, and now for the big news! I’m sure you all already know, but I have to make it blog official too, Bors is going to be a big brother! I’ve had quite a few long talks with him about how when we have this baby, he’s not allowed to eat it, or pounce on it…I think he understands, I’m really hope so at least! Right now I’m about 10 ½ weeks along, and still sick to prove it! We found out more towards the beginning on January, but I’ll be honest, it didn’t really sink in for me until we heard the heartbeat last Friday, that was pretty much THE COOLEST THING EVER! The look on Robs face was priceless, and one I hope I never forget! So now I’m baby obsessed, we already have names figured out, and are beyond excited! Before we were even thinking about getting pregnant we both decided that we wanted a boy first, so naturally as soon as we found out we were having a baby, I started planning on a girl! Now I am totally stoked for either and can’t wait to find out! Yes, we are going to find out. I wish I was patient and content to let it be a surprise…but I’m not so great with that in general, let alone when it’s something that is this big of a deal!!! So yes, we will be finding out whether it’s a bouncing baby boy or a…giggling gorgeous girl about halfway through April and cannot wait! Hopefully the morning sickness will decide to leave me shortly, it hasn’t been as bad as horror stories I’ve heard from other people, but it has definitely been sickness…that comes often. Haha. Everyone keeps saying that’s a good sign though, so I’m trying to see the silver lining there : )
Yep! Definitely two lines! |
We checked twice, just to make sure :) |
Well, I think that about covers all the craziness in January! Wonder what this month is going to bring…